Riyadion Establishment For Commercial Services No. 1128191097 began its work in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in the first quarter of the year 2024 AD. Riyadion Establishment For Commercial Services adopted a Saudi name and trademark called (Youoly) and took the Qassim region in the city of Unayzah as its headquarters to begin its commercial journey within a clear vision, which is for (Youoly) to be the integrated sports platform for all Olympic Games, an incubator for athletes, and an enabler for clubs and Sports service providers. Youoly is considered the integrated sports platform, which makes users consider it the first choice for their sports goals, whether they are athletes or service providers. The Youoly platform always seeks to develop and innovate by providing technical solutions and services to users, service providers, clubs, and relevant sports entities. The Youoly platform seeks to lead this digital transformation locally and digitally.
The idea of the Youoly website and application is exceptionally qualitative. Its goal is to provide an integrated sports platform that is in line with the requirements of sports talent and relevant sports bodies to facilitate the embrace of sports talent for all Olympic sports. From this standpoint, the idea of creating a website and application (Youoly) began in 2021 with the creation of a website and application that contains technical sports services that help club owners, coaches, player agents, and investors by refining sports talent and recruiting them to clubs in order to train them and create a qualified sports generation to compete in the Olympic Games to represent their countries at all levels.
The reason of choosing the name (youoly):
We started from the future before we started choosing the name. One of the most important pillars of choosing a basic identity is our connection to the future through name, values, and vision. Through the brainstorming sessions conducted by the work team, several names were chosen and some distinctive names were sorted. These sessions resulted in the name (Youoly), as the name is considered a compound and preserves the identity and goal of the project and symbolizes the following:
• The first word is “You”, which is used to refer to a person or group of people who are addressed as the subject of a verb or as a preposition.
• The second word is “Oly”, which is a word that was referred to by the International Olympic Association, as this word is exactly like the Doctorate Degree (PHD) and other letters of academic degree abbreviations, as the word is specific to Olympic athletes and is concerned with highlighting the status of Olympic athletes and helping them achieve the changes in their communities and promote Olympic values.